Tuesday, 30 January 2007

What do traders and NGOs do for these cultures?

Although it might seem very ignorant of me to say so, before reading Peace Child, I never fully understood the idea that in our time, there could still be Stone Age tribes in the "real world", as most people like to describe it, of cell phones and iPods.

Just like my ignorance of their existence, they are ignorant of our existence too. To me, this seems like a very good opportunity for greedy traders to take advantage of the tribes' naivety, often leading to abuse. These situations have appeared in other parts of the world. In Alaska, traders arrived and hired Native Americans, in return for the giving of non-traditional food. Although the Native Americans thought this as an opportunity to get rare items that they have never seen before, the huge influence of traders ended up in a change in the way of living for the tribes. Traders set up small trading posts, which later became a shop, which became a business, which turned into a factory, etc. It was only a matter of time before the government started to get involved in the issue. "Captains" were designated to teach the U.S. law to these Natives. Tribes were banned from their usual activity of whale hunting, and some were even forced to allow access to their territory (information taken from http://vila.alaska.edu/site-templates/timeline.html). In the Sawi population of New Guinea, a similar situation was happening. Soon after Don Richardson arrived, he realized his need to hurry up because the government of New Guinea was sending "...government officers and police patrols [to penetrate] the Sawi domain... (pg. 231)."

Even without the traders, the Sawi, and generally all Stone Age tribes, are in risk. NGOs, or non-governmental organizations, are purposely designed to encourage "...the observance of human rights, [to improve] the welfare of the disadvantaged...(information taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NGOs#Purposes)." Although there are NGOs who want to help these tribes by providing medicine, supplies, and food, but accept their way of life just as it is, there are other NGOs who go there for financial benefits, such as the resources that the tribes' lands might provide. The latter group is no different than ordinary traders, and can bring the same effects of destruction to the rare cultures of the world.

Although the Sawi, and many other tribes in general, might not see the importance of which type of people arrive to help them, it is imperative that the right type of groups go there. It is time that the world begins to notice the importance of the survival of these indigenous tribes, and makes sure that they are safe from abuse and deceit.


Anonymous said...

I think I know what you mean when you say that you never imagined "stone-age" people living in our world; when I went to Nepal, I was shocked to see that they didn't even have cell phones. However, I'm a little bothered by how you say the "right" types of people. How would you determine who was good and who was bad? The "evil" traders might actually be philanthropists who want to help underdeveloped cultures, while the "good" Christians may be those old-fashioned type of people who scream at you to convert to Christianity or go to hell, or something like that. The world isn't so simple as to be defined in black and white, I think.

African Globe Trotters. said...

Good research Hyangsoo and the fact that you have cited your sources really helps too. Through Don and Carol's education of the Sawi they have prevented undesirables exploiting the Sawi. Sungjin - I have yet to meet or see a philanthropist or the like, who does something for someone else because they "just want to help". I have lived in Africa too long to be naive about people's motives. Faith based NGO's have a track record of doing things for the upliftment of a society. Other tribes in PNG were not as fortunate as the Sawi because they were introduced to western culture by people whose intentions were not as noble and unselfish as Don's. These tribes have been totally destroyed by the negative aspects of western culture viz: alcoholism and HIV/ AIDS. Mrs.Mc.